مقررات السنة الخامسة (تخصص العدسات اللاصقه)
OPTO51102 Corneal and Related Structures:
General objective:
To acquaint the student with the knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of the cornea and related structures .
Specific objectives:
By the end of this course the student should be able to Know:
1- The structure and function of the cornea.
2- Corneal topography ,sensitivity, transparency and tear film and its important in contact lens work.
3- Structure and function of anterior part of the eye ball.
4- The structure and function of eyelid , conjunctiva and extrinsic muscles of the eye.
1- Introduction.
2- Gross anatomy of the cornea.
3- Minute anatomy: epithelium , Bowman s membrane , stroma ,Descement s membrane and endothelium .
4- Corneal metabolism.
5- Corneal transparency.
6- Corneal sensitivity.
7- Corneal topography.
8- The lacrimal system and tear film.
9- Pupil and iris.
10- Conjunctiva
11- Eye lids.
12- External muscles of the eye.
Lab work:
Identify different parts of the eye and its adnexa related to contact lenses.
Teaching methods:
- Lectures.
- Discussion groups.
- Slide ,videos & CDs.
Course Evaluation:
- Final Exam 60%
- Practical & Assignment 30%
- Attendance & participation. 10%
OPTO51103 Contact Lenses Instrumentation:
General objective:
To acquaint the student with skills of using contact lenses equipment.
Specific objectives:
By the end of this course the student should be skill full to:
1- Do keratometry and slit lamp biomicroscopy correctly.
2- Do different techniques of examination.
3- Feel confident doing examination by slit lamps ,keratometers, autokeratometers , corneal topography, image capture and other instruments.
1- Slit lamps.
2- Keratometers and auto keratometers.
3- Ophthalmoscopes .
4- Placido s disc and other keratoscopes.
5- U.V lamp.
6- Corneal topography.
7- Trial sets.
8- Local anesthesia and staining agents.
9- Pachometer.
10- Other instruments.
Teaching methods:
- Lectures.
- Discussion groups.
- Slide ,videos & CDs.
Course Evaluation:
- Final Exam 60%
- Practical & Assignment 30%
- Attendance & participation. 10%
OPTO51104 Contact Lenses Complications:
General objective:
To provide the student with knowledge to recognize and manage of contact lens complications those are commonly seen in every day clinical practice.
Specific objectives:
By the end of this course the student should be able to:
1- Detect the slit-lamp biomicroscope confidently.
2- Detect adverse effects of hard and soft contact lenses.
3- Recognize and manage common causes of contact lenses complications.
1- The use of slit lamp to detect contact lenses complications.
2- Contact lens complications:
2-1 Lid:
- Blepharitis
- Meibomian gland dysfunction.
- Contact lens associated papillary conjunctivitis.
- Complications of abnormal blinking
- Ptosis
2-2:Bulbar conjunctiva:
-Bulbar conjunctiva staining
-Bulbar conjunctiva hyperaemia.
2-3:Limbal area:
- Contact lens induced super limbic keratoconjunctivitis.
- Limbal epithelial hypertrophy.
- Furrow staining
- Super epithelial arcuate lesions.
- Inferior arcuate staining.
- Dimple- Veil.
- Post-lens debris.
- Solution hypersensitivity /topxicity.
- Super punctate keratitis.
- 3&9 staining.
- Lend binding.
- Corneal wrinkling.
-Epithelial microcysts.
- Stromal striae.
- Corneal neovascularization.
- Endothelial blebs.
- Corneal exhaustion syndrome.
- Corneal hypoethesia.
3- Contact lens abnormalities:
- Damage
- Contact lens deposition.
4- Inflammation and infection:
- Sterile infiltrative keratitis (sterile infiltrates)
- Microbial infiltrative keratitis (microbial infiltrates as bacteria, fungal and viral) .
5- Tear film disinfection:
- Normal tear film.
- Tear film dysfunction during contact lens wear(signs and symptoms)
- Pathology and etiology.
- Treatment ,prognosis and differential diagnosis.
6- Corneal shape damage
Teaching methods:
- Lectures.
- Discussion groups.
- Slide, videos & CDs.
Course Evaluation:
- Final Exam 60%
- Continuous assessment 30%
- Attendance & participation. 10%
OPTO51105 Corneal Pathology:
General objective:
To provide the students with the advanced knowledge of corneal pathology.
Specific objectives:
By the end of this course the student should be able to understand:
1- Anomalies and diseases which affect the cornea and related structure .
2- The contact lens complications.
3- The common causes of corneal pathology.
1- Introduction (anatomy and physiology)
2- Congenital anomalies.
3- Conjunctivitis (follicular ,neonatal , bacterial and non infectious causes)
4- Chlamydial infections.
5- Infection ulcerative keratitis (bacterial)
6- Infection keratitis (fungal and parasitic)
7- Interstitial keratitis.
8-Viral diseases.
9- Blepharitis.
10-Epithelial diseases.
11- Degenerations.
12- Abnormalities of tear-film.
13- Disorders of endothelium.
14- Endocrine and immunologic disorders.
15-Disorders of metabolism.
16- Other systemic disorders.
17- Drugs and metals.
19- Chemical injuries.
20- Toxic and allergic reactions to ophthalmic medications.
21-Adverce effects of contact lenses.
Teaching methods:
- Lectures.
- Discussion groups.
- Slide ,videos & CDs.
Course Evaluation:
- Final Exam 60%
- Continuous assessment 30%
- Attendance & participation. 10%
OPTO51106 Technology of Contact Lenses:
General objective:
To provide the students with advanced knowledge bout material, design and manufactures of contact lenses .
Specific objectives:
By the end of this course the student should be able to:
1- Know new materials , designs and manufactures of contact lenses.
2- Use different techniques of fitting contact lenses.
3- Know how to deal with special contact lenses and care.
1-Introduction and history.
2- Materials and types:
- PMMA lenses.
- Rigid gas permeable lenses.
- Water content and polymer.
- Permeability , transmissibility and equivalent oxygen performance.
- High water content, dehydration and thickness (thin lenses)
- Advantages and disadvantage.
3- Contact lenses designs.
4- Methods of manufacture.
5-Fitting procedure of:
- Hydrogel lenses.
- PMMA lenses.
- Rigid gas permeable lenses.
- Others.
6- Contact lenses solutions.
7- Criteria of correct fitting of each type.
8- Artificial eyes.
9- Contact lens for keratoconus.
10- Contact lens for presbyopia.
11-Protection from ultraviolet radiation.
12-Recent development of contact lens.
13-Therapeutic contact lenses.
14-Soft toric contact lens fitting.
15- Fundamental of corneal topology.
16- Basic techniques of accelerated orthokeratology.
17- Orthokeratology after refractive surgery.
18- Orthokeratology and reverse geometry lenses.
19-Laser topography of the cornea.
20-Special contact lens use:
- Albinism
- Aniridia
Lab Work:
1-Keratoconic contact lenses trial sets.
2- Special contact lenses.
3-Vary focal contact lenses.
4- Impression shells technique.
Teaching methods:
- Lectures.
- Discussion groups.
- Slide ,videos & CDs.
Course Evaluation:
- Final Exam 60%
- Assignment and activities 30%
- Attendance & participation. 10%
OPTO51201 Advanced Optics of Contact Lenses:
General objective:
To provide the student with knowledge of optics and design of contact lenses.
Specific objectives:
By the end of this course the student should be able to:
1- Know advanced optics of contact lenses and spectacles.
2- Use advanced computer programs for solving of optical problems.
3- Compare between optics of contact lens and spectacle.
4- Know advanced design of contact lenses.
1- Introduction.
2- Optics of the cornea.
3- Advanced contact lens optics versus spectacle.
4- The practical effects of optical differences between contact lenses and spectacles.
5- Optical considerations of contact lenses on the eye.
6- Estimation of front surface of the cornea and the effect of the liquid lens.
7- Optical changes of the eye caused by contact lenses.
8- Optical tables for contact lens work.
9- Aspects of design.
10- Computer programs.
11- Corneal toricity.
Lab work:
1-Application of contact lens optics
2-Computer programs for solving optical problems.
Teaching methods:
- Lectures.
- Discussion groups.
- Slide ,videos & CDs.
Course Evaluation:
- Final Exam 60%
- Practical & Assignment 30%
- Attendance & participation. 10%
OPTO51202 Advance Optometry Clinic:
General objective:
To acquaint the student with high skills and knowledge of optometry clinic.
Specific objectives:
By the end of this course the student should be able to:
1- Demonstrate problems solving in complex cases.
2- Do examination , diagnosis and prognosis safely.
3- Prescribe spectacles and related equipment.
1- Let the student how to perform routine eye examination and subjective tests on patients.
2- Learn the students clinical decision, making ,differential diagnosis ,difficulties in prescribing and counseling.
3- Provide the students with high skills and knowledge in performing clinical examination .
Teaching methods:
- Lectures.
- Discussion groups.
- Slide ,videos & CDs.
Course Evaluation:
- Final Exam 60% (cases40% and oral 20%)
- Continuous assessment 30%
- Attendance & participation. 10%
OPTO51203 Advance Contact Lenses Clinic:
General objective:
To acquaint the student to deal with contact lenses patients.
Specific objectives:
By the end of this course the student should be able to:
1- Perform careful examination and measurements and selecting contact lens patients.
2- Assess and verify contact lenses.
3- Fit and prescribe different types of contact lenses.
4- patient education and after care.
Teaching methods:
- Lectures.
- Discussion groups.
- Slide ,videos & CDs.
- Examination patients.
Course Evaluation:
- Final Exam 60% (cases not less than 50 cases)
- Continuous assessment 30%
- Attendance & participation. 10%
OPTO51204 Patient Education and after Care:
General Objective :
To provide students with all instructions that should be delivered to neophyte contact lens users to avoid complications that may occur due to contact lens wear and also to teach students how to follow their patients.
Specific Objectives:
By the end of the course, students should be able to
1. Give all instructions related to contact lens wear.
2. Teach patients how to insert and remove contact lenses.
3. Teach patients how to clean, rinse and safe their contact lens.
4. Know the important examination each follow up visit.
1. Different methods of insertion and removal of different design of contact lenses
2. Contact lens care systems.
-Contact lens Solutions.
-Contact lens disinfecting, rinsing and cleaning.
- Contact lens storage cases.
3. General instructions for contact lens users.
4. After care sessions
- What is after care?
- Examinations should be carried each follow up session.
- Detection of contact lens related complications.
Teaching Methods:
-Group discussions.
-Slides, videos and CDs
Course Evaluation:
-Final Exam 60%
-Assignments and activities 30%
-Attendance & participation. 10%
OPTO51106 Project:
General objective:
To provide the student with advanced knowledge of how to do scientific research.
Specific Objective:
Students undertake and complete Optometry project.
From given functional specification students develop detailed plan and schedule for Following detailed plan, students participate in the design and development of the project, and complete the project independently. These tasks will include area, design, parts acquisition, printed circuit board layout, circuit building, packs design and fabrication, wiring, troubleshot and final testing. Student must maintain detailed history file a logbook and preference technical report on completion of the project.
Teaching Methods:
- Discussion.
- Field work.
Course Evaluation:
- Research proposal 20%
- Methodology 30%
- Results 10%
- Discussion 10%
- Conclusion 10%
- Recommendation 10%
- Oral Exam 10%