مقررات السنة الأولى مساعد طب عيون
HUM 1101 Arabic language:
ألاهداف :
1- رفع مستوى اللغة العربية لدى الدارسين .
2- الالمام بقواعد الاعراب و اللغة السليمة و النحو .
المحتويات :
عناصر بناء اللغة العربية، عناصر البناء التعبيري، الرسم الكتابي، القواعد الاساسية للإملاء، علامات الترقيم ، مخارج الحروف ووصفاتها ، وسائل الربط الجزئي ، الربط الكلي، تدرج دلالة الكلمات وتنوعها.
طرق التدريس :
- محاضرات
طرق التقويم:
الحضور 10%
اعمال السنة 20%
الامتحان التحريري 70%
HUM 1102 English language I :
-To upgrade the reading skills of the students.
-To improve the grammar & reading skills of the students.
Grammar: Brief introduction to word classes and formation, verbs (helping / action verbs), tenses (present simple and continuous, past simple), future forms (going to / will), attention should be given to: sentences structure (positive/ negative),Present perfect simple, past continuous + past perfect simple, time expressions, introduction to model verbs (should, must have to), conditional sentences and time clauses, passive formation brief introduction to adjectives and adverbs.
Question construction. Nouns (accountability) + Articles.
Reading Skills: Vocabulary scanning skimming. Topics introduced should be related to medical engineering. Terminology + pronunciation.(pre – intermediate level) general topics presentation skills.
Writing Skills: Note taking, passage organization. Punctuation and meaning (with reference to the grammar introduced), formal and informal writing (letters as a good examples).
Teaching Methods:
Course Evaluation:
-Attendance 10%
-Assignment and activities 20%
-Final Exam 70%
COMP 1101 Computer I:
- Objectives:
The use of computer is essential nowadays in all process of learning & teaching so the students must know:
The basic structure of the computer.
How to make use of the computer regarding its different basic contents & programs.
Fundamental of computers (Definition) Basic structure of computers data representation, computer architectures, input, output, external and internal memory, CPU and ALU.
Basic concepts of IT, Speeds sheets with Excel, Presentation with Power Point.
Teaching Methods:
Practical Sessions.
Course Evaluation:-
-Attendance 10%
-Assignment and practical 30%
-Final Exam 60%
HUM 1103 Islamic studies:
ألاهداف :
1- تمكين الطلاب من المعرفة التامة للثقافة الاسلامية .
2–تقوية ارتباط الطلاب بالسلوك الاسلامى القويم فى حياتهم اليومية و فى السلوك المهنى .
المحتويات :
مدخل للثقافة الاسلامية والعلم التطبيقي، نظام الحكم في الاسلام .
طرق التدريس :
- محاضرات .
- حلقات نقاش .
طرق التقويم:
الحضور 10%
اعمال السنة 20%
الامتحان التحريري 70%
BS1101 Physiology I:
Justification :
The study of physiology is very essential for all medical students.
General Objectives:
By the end of this course the students must know the physiology of human body.
Theoretical contents:
1. Introduction :Frame work of human physiology.
2. Basic cell function.
3. Chemical composition of the body.
4. physiology of :
- Cardiovascular system
- Respiratory system.
- Digestive, system.
- Urogenital system.
- Endocrine system.
-Nervous system.
1-Total counts (WBCs, RBCs, Platelates)
2-Measurment of Hb.
4-Differential cells.
Teaching method:
1. Lectures.
2. Practical demonstration.
3. Seminars.
4. Discussion groups.
5. Practical.
1. Specialists of physiology.
2. Technicians.
3. Teaching assistants.
4. Basic skills lab.
5. Physiology lab..
Course Evaluation
Written & practical exams:
- MCQs 40%
- Short essays 20%
- OSPE 30%
- Attendance & contribution 10%
BS1102 Anatomy I:
Justification :
The study of anatomy (morphology) is very essential for all medical students
General objective:
By the end of this course the students must know the morphology of human body.
Theoretical contents:
1. Anatomy of human body.
2. Morphology of:
- Skeletal muscular.
- Cardiovascular system.
- Respiratory system .
- Digestive system.
- Urogenital system
- Endocrine system.
-Nervous system.
3. Anatomy of upper & lower limps.
4. Arteries, veins & nerves.
1. Skeleton of human body.
2. Respiratory system.
3. Lungs volume.
4. Digestive system.
5. Urinary system.
6. Genital system.
7. Endocrine system.
8. Central nervous system.
Teaching method:
1. Lectures.
2. Seminars.
4. Discussion groups.
5. Practical.
1. Specialists of anatomy.
2. Technicians.
3. Teaching assistants.
4. Basic skills lab.
5. Physiology lab..
6. Morgue.
Course Evaluation:
Written & practical exams:
- MCQs 40%
- Short essays 20%
- OSPE 30%
- Attendance & contribution 10%
BS 1103 Scientific English I:
1- Ophthalmic Sciences are characterized among other branches of medicine by its terminology. The ophthalmic terminology can be considered as an essential factor which helps the student to understand & interact with his new environment. So it should be learnt.
2 – Deferent ophthalmic equipment and instrumentations have to be well understood by their names and function and the student must have this ability.
1-English Greek, Latin terms (Differences).
2-Common abbreviations and Terminologies.
2-Main parts of the eye.
3- General Medical Terminology.
4- eye lid Terminology.
5-Orbit Terminology.
Teaching Methods:
Video and power point show.
Course Evaluation
1- Final Exam 70%
2-Assignment&activities 20%
3- Attendance 10%
BS 1104 Basic Statistics:
-To be able the student to handle his/her own data with a very simple way.
-To be able to read and understand the research written in his/her specialty.
-Its importance.
-Its uses.
2-Construction of frequency tables
3-Measures of central tendency(Averages),Mean ,Median and Mode.
4-Measures of Dispersion (Variability),Standard deviation, Mean deviation ,Variance and range.
5-The concept of the normal curve.
6-Sampling(Probability and non-probability samples).
7-Correlation (association) technique.
8-Tests of significances of difference between 2 means and 2 percentages:
-Parametric tests (t, z and f tests)
-Non parametric tests (chi square).
Teaching Methods:
Course Evaluation:
-Attendance 10%
-Assignment and activities 20%
-Final Exam 70%
COMP 1201 Computer II:
1-Understand how to deal with internet.
2-Know a general idea about programing.
-How to use.
2-Introduction to programming and network.
Teaching Methods:
Practical Sessions.
Course Evaluation:-
-Attendance 10%
-Assignment and practical 30%
-Final Exam 60%
HUM 1202 English Language II
-To upgrade the reading skills of the students.
-To improve the grammar & reading skills of the students.
Grammar: Report speech, present perfect continuous, conditionals sentences (if3 + zero conditional sentences), relative clauses, verb patterns.
Reading: (pre – intermediate, intermediate verbs) general topics, vocabulary building.
Writing: Linking devices between sentences (connectors), summary, social English (For example request of offers telephoning… etc).
Teaching Methods:
Course Evaluation:
- Final Exam 70%
- Assignment and activities 20%
- Attendance 10%
BS 1201 Physiology II:
By the end of the course the student should be able to:-
1-Know the function of different parts of the eye ball.
2-Know the function of the adnexa.
3-Understand the function of the visual pathway.
4-Understand the function of visual cortex.
5-Know the function of the extrinsic ocular muscle.
1- Introduction to ocular anatomy.
2- Aqueous humor .
3- The intra ocular pressure.
4- The vitreous body.
5- The lens.
6-The cornea.
7- The sclera.
8-The Retina.
9-The tears and the lid.
10-The muscular mechanism.
11-Introduction to Neurophysiology of perception.
Teaching method:
1. Lectures.
3. Discussion groups.
Course Evaluation:
Written & practical exams:
- MCQs 40%
- Short essays 20%
- OSPE 30%
- Attendance & contribution 10%
BS 1202 Anatomy II:
1-Know the structure of different parts of the eye ball.
2-Know the structure of the adnexa.
3-Understand the structure of the visual pathway.
4-Understand the structure of visual cortex.
1- Introduction to ocular anatomy.
2- The cornea .
3- The sclera.
4- The uvea (iris , ciliary body and choroid ).
5- The anterior chamber (aqueous humour ,chanal of schlem and trabeculum).
6-The posterior chamber (crystalline lens ,vitreous body ,retina ,optic nerve )
7- The ocular adnexa (orbit , lid ,conjunctiva ,lacrimal apparatus and extrinsic ocular muscles )
Teaching method:
1. Lectures.
2. Seminars.
4. Discussion groups.
5. Practical.
Course Evaluation:
Written & practical exams:
- MCQs 40%
- Short essays 20%
- OSPE 30%
- Attendance & contribution 10%
BS 1203 Biostatistics:-
-To be able to take the right decision in the right time to answer a questions or to solve a problem depending on the collected data under his/her disposal.
-To be able to participate in studies and researches conducted in medical field.
1-Morbidity statistics.
-Disease incidence and prevalence rate.
-Relative risk (RR) and odds ratio (OR)
2-Mortality statistics.
-Maternal infant mortality rate
-Major health indicators
3-Hospital statistics.
-Bed occupancy.
-Average duration of hospital stay.
-Bed turnover.
Teaching Methods:
Course Evaluation:
-Attendance 10%
-Assignment and activities 20%
-Final Exam 70%
BS 1204 Scientific English II
1- Ophthalmic Sciences are characterized among other branches of medicine by its terminology. The ophthalmic terminology can be considered as an essential factor which helps the student to understand & interact with his new environment. So it should be learnt.
2 – Deferent ophthalmic equipment and instrumentations have to be well understood by their names and function and the student must have this ability.
1- Lacrimal System Terminology.
2- The Eye Ball Terminology.
3- Glaucoma & Visual field Terminology.
4 – Retina and Vitreous Terminology.
5- Laser Terminology.
6 - Lens & cataract Terminology.
7 - Strabismus Terminology.
8- Instrumentation Terminology.
Teaching Method:
2.Video and power point show.
Course Evaluation:
1- Final Exam 70%
2-Assignment&activities 20%
3- Attendance 10%