
مقررات السنة الثالثة مساعد طب عيون


BS 3502 Pharmacology


To learn the science of drugs:

1/ The usage.   

2/ Dosage.

3/ Side effects.

4/ Over dosage.

5/ Pharmacokinetics.

6/ Metabolism of different drugs.

General Objectives:

To teach the students the different types of drugs used in the field of Ophthalmology 

Specific Objectives:

1/ To teach the students the art of Pharmacology and the pharmacokinetics of the different drugs used in Ophthalmology. 

2/ To give the students the knowledge needed to understand the factors that effect the metabolism of the drugs used.

4/ Types of Antibiotics used in Ophthalmology.

5/ Antihistamines and Antiallergic drugs used.

6/ Medriatics of the Pupil, mode of action.

7/ To teach the students about the Drugs effecting different parts of the eye. 

8/ To teach the students about the Drugs causing constriction of the Pupil, mode of action.

9/ To teach the students about the Side effects of Topical Anesthesia.

10/ To teach the students about the Drugs used for the dying of different parts of the eye.

11/ To teach the students how to create drugs from the raw materials available in the labs.


1/ Drugs used in the examination of the eye and in the diagnosis.

2/ Drugs used for the therapeutic purposes for different eye diseases.

3/ Drugs used for Minor Procedures.

Teaching Methods:

1/ Lectures.

2/ Seminars.

3/ Field visits to different Pharmaceutical factories.

Course Evaluation:

* Written examination              50%.

* OSPE exam                              40%. 

Attendance + Participation      10%.*


OPT3501 Clinical Ophthalmolgy III

General Objectives:

1/ Teaching the students how to treat a patients.

2/ Corporation between the team members lead to the speedy recovery of the patient.

3/ What the term Medical Ethics means.

 4/ How to provide good medical care.

5/ What patient's confidentiality means.

Specific Objectives:

1/ How to Identify Retinal and Vitreal diseases.

2/ To provide the students with information about the signs and symptoms of the different Retinal and Vitreal diseases and how to achieve the proper diagnosis.

3/ To provide the students with the information needed to recognize diseases of the Optic nerve, causes, signs, symptoms and diagnosis plus treatment.

4/ How to examine Visual Acuity.

5/ How to recognize Refractive Errors causes and treatment.

6/ How to recognize Squint disorders the side effects that they cause, diagnosis and treatment.


1/ Retinal / Vitreous Diseases.

2/ Diseases on the Optic nerve.

3/ Refractive Errors.

4/ Squint.

Teaching Methods:

1/ Lectures.

2/ Practical practice at the hospital.

3/ Discussions – Seminars.

4/ Group work.

5/ Presentations.

6/ Posters..

Course Evaluation:

1/ OSPE examination                                40%

2/ Written Examination                            50%.

3/ Attendance and participation            10%.     


OPT3503  Preventive Eye Health


1/ Prevention better than cure.

2/ To teach the students the hazards and their effect on the eye.

3/ How the reduce these hazards and harmful threads to the eye.

4/ Defining the safety measures, and how to follow them.

General Objectives:

1/ Providing the necessary tools needed by the students in their practical life, so they can avoid it.

2/ To teach the students how to help reducing the hazardous elements threatening the eye especially in the working environment.

Specific Objectives:

1/ To teach the students about the different diseases with ocular manifestation, mode of transmission and their pathogenesis and progress.

2/ Environmental health and the eye.

3/ Vitamin A deficiency:

* Causes.

* Burden in society.

* Signs.

* Symptoms.

* Diagnosis.

* Treatment.

* Prevention.

4/ How to deal with patients with River Blindness (Onchocerciasis):

* Life cycle of the cause.

* Signs.

* Symptoms.

* Investigations.

* Diagnosis.

* Treatment.

* Prevention

5/ How to deal with patients suffering from Chemical burns and Metal wounds.

* The effects of these Foreign Bodies in the eye.

* How to provide the first aid needed for these patients.   

* Referring these patients to the proper health facilities.

* Describing safety measurement and proper eye care to people working in hazardous environments.

6/ To recognize the dangerous behavioral and cultural that endanger the eye.

*The incorrect use of glasses. 

* The misuse of drugs and eye drops.

* The misuse of hazardous solutions. 

* Extraction of Cataract traditionally (Tashleg)..


Teaching Methods:

1/ Lectures.

2/ Seminars.

3/ Practical workshops for training.

Course Evaluation:

1/ OSPE examination                             40%

2/ Written Examination                         50%.

3/ Attendance and participation         10%.     


OPT3502 Ophthalmic Nursing


To create a well trained and qualified Ophthalmic Assistant or Technician, that can provide the help and assistance needed by both patient and doctor in the hospital.

General Objectives:

To teach and train the students how to be a proper and qualified nurse in all the fields of Medicine, Medical and Surgical.

Specific Objectives:

1/ To provide the medical field with assistants qualified to provide good medical and surgical assistances to those in need.

2/ To teach the students how to offer help for low vision patients.

3/ To teach the students how to assist the doctors the best way possible, to save both time and energy.

4/ To guide the patient in the ward and offer the help when needed .

5/ Preparing the patients for surgery:

* Preparing the surgical list.

* Checking the investigations of each patient.

* Cleaning the patients before surgery.

* Providing Psychological support to patients undergoing surgery.

* Making sure patients taking any medication for cataract surgery.

* Providing the proper follow up care after surgery.

* Preparing the surgical trays.

* Providing proper First Aid care.

* Proper wound cleaning.

* Checking visual acuity.

6/ providing after surgery advice according to the patient and disease.

       - No praying in the normal position till further advice from Doctor.

       - No water in the eye allowed. 

       - All types of food allowed.

       - Follow up visits.

       - Checking IOP for Glaucoma patients

Teaching Method:

1/ Lectures.

2/ Practical practice.

3/ Group work.

4/ Assignments.

5/ Seminars.

Course Evaluation: 

1/ Practical examination                            40%

2/ Written Examination                             50%.

3/ Attendance and participation             10%.     


OPT3504    Operating Theater Trays


To know do lay out of the ophthalmic operation theater-

To learn the means of cleaning ,disinfection and sterilization in operating room.-

To care for the patient before, during and after surgery.-

-To know some of the important surgical instrument and materials

-To care for the ophthalmic surgical instruments.-

-To learn the different methods for the ophthalmic required anesthesia.


1-Care of ophthalmic surgical instruments





    1.5Corrosion and rust


    1.7Storage and transportation


2.Sterilization and Disinfection

   2.1Physical method

   2.2 chemical method

3.Anesthesia for ophthalmic surgery regional Technique

   3.1Types of regional anaesthesia for ophthalmic surgery

   3.2Advantage of local blocks over general anaesthesia

   3.3Facial block

Teaching Methods:

1/ Lectures.

2/ Seminars.

3/ Field visits.

4/ Group work.

Course Evaluation:

1/ Theoretical Evaluation        50%.

Practical Evaluation:

1/ Continuous evaluation       10%.

2/ MCQs                                    20%.

3/ Short  Essay                     


HUM 3501  Medical Records


-  To qualify the candidates to:

-   How to streamline the medical records system in hospitals. 

-  The need and uses of medical records.

-  Effective techniques in planning, organizing, developing & administering of medical record

-  To furnish directives for the protection medical of medical legal interests concerning health records and for the protection of consumer cases.

-  Learning the international classification of diseases codes.

-  How to use computers for medical records and prepare statistical reports. 


-Importance and development of medical records.

- Planning, function and job description of medical records.

-Designing medical records and folders.

-Medical records numbering and filing system.

-Handling of medico legal records.

-Safety and security of medical records.

-Problems related to medical records and its management.

-Use of computer in medical record management.

-Data collection and statistical analysis.

Teaching Methods:

1/ Lectures.

2/ Practical (Computer application).

3/Assignment. (Designing records files) 

4/ Practical at the hospital.

Course Evaluation:

1/ Written exam                          60%.

2/ Practical                                  20%

3/ Assignments                          10%

4/ Attendance                            10%   


OPT3601:   Clinical practice for Squint


-To recognize signs and symptoms of amblyopia and strabismus

-To be able to perform the necessary tests for theses condition

-If the patient is child arrange for prompt ophthalmologic consultant


To achieve these objective ;the students should learn:

-Measure or estimate visual acuity in children

-To detect strabismus by general inspection ,corneal light reflex and cornea tests

-To perform ophthalmoscopy in a child to rule –organic test

-Explain to parents the need for proper treatment of amblyopia


-Anatomy &physiology of EOM




-Special types of squint

-Non-surgical treatment

-Surgical treatment

-Complication of surgery

-Ophthalmoscopy –Red reflex

Teaching Methods:

1/ Lectures.

2/ Seminars.

3/ Field visits.

4/ Group work.

Course Evaluation:

1/ Theoretical Evaluation        50%.

Practical Evaluation:

1/ Continuous evaluation       10%.

2/ MCQs                                    20%.

3/ Short  Essay                     


OPT 3603 Clinical Practice for Cataract &its Surgery


-To recognize symptoms and signs of cataract.

-To be able to perform necessary tests for cataract.

-To achieve these objectives the student should learn:

-Measure and estimate the visual acuity in adults and children.

-To detect cataract by a pen torch, and to check for red reflex by a direct ophthalmoscope and slit lamp.


-Anatomy and physiology of the lens.

-Different types of cataract.

-Causes of cataract.

-Surgical treatment of cataract.

-Counseling the cataract patients.

Teaching Methods: 



-Fields visits.

-Group work.

Course Evaluation:

-Theoretical evaluation          40%

-Continuous evaluation          20%

-OSPE                                    40% 


OPT3604 Clinical practice of Glaucoma


-To recognize symptoms and signs of glaucoma

-To know the nature of the disease

-To be able to diagnose emergency type of glaucoma (e.g: ACG) and to refer cases abruptly to ophthalmologist.

-To determine the abruptly of the disease and effect on vision.

-To be able to achieve different tests relevant tests like V.A, IOP and pupillary reaction.


-Anatomy and physiology of aqueous humor and its pathway

- Anatomy of angle of anterior chamber

-Definition and types of glaucoma

-Anti glaucoma medication

-Laser in glaucoma

-Glaucoma surgery

-Counseling in glaucoma

Teaching Methods: 



-Field vision

-Group work

Course Evaluation:

1-Theortical evaluation              40%

2-Practical evaluation:

     a. OSPE                                    40%

     b. Continuous evaluation      20%


OPT3605: Clinical practice for medical & surgical Retina


-To recognize symptoms and signs of retinal disease.

-To be able to perform necessary tests which help the Specialist to diagnose.           .

-To be able to recognize emergency retinal diseases and arrange for ophthalmologist consultant.

-To achieve these objective these objective the student should learn to interpret symptoms and apparent sign to identify urgent retinal diseases 


-Anatomy and physiology of the retina.

-Asking for proper investigations of the retina .

-Non surgical treatment.

-Surgical treatment.

-Complications of surgery.


  * Red reflex

  * Pupillary reaction

Teaching Methods: 



-Fields visits.

-Group work.

Course Evaluation:

-Theoretical evaluation                    40%

-Continuous evaluation                    20%

- Practical evaluation OSPE             40% 


BS  3601 Research Methodology


At the end of this course the student should be able to practice and perform a simple project program in a scientific way. 


  1. What is a research?

  2. Selection of the topic.

  3. Data collection.

  4. Data analysis.

  5. Computer analysis.

  6. Reference and proper reference writing.

  7. Conclusion and Recommendations.

Teaching Methods: 


-Group discussions.

Course Evaluation:

-Final Exam                             70%

-Assignment & activities      20%

-Attendance                           10%